There is no doubt that commercial drone video has taken the world by storm. It seems like every day, there is a new application for this incredible technology…and the technological improvements just keep on coming! Whether you are looking to improve the quality of your client’s experience or to cultivate quality content for improving your website or other customer-facing platforms, commercial drone video can help take your career to the next level. In this article, we will explore some of the ways in which you can use commercial drone video to advance your career!

Cultivate Quality Content for Your Website or Portfolio
Did you know that as of 2022, humans officially have a shorter attention span than the average goldfish? That’s right, most goldfish can focus for roughly 9 seconds at a time, while humans can only muster enough focus for 8.25 seconds—down 4.25 seconds in the last two years alone. So, what does this mean for the average professional looking to expand their business?
If you want to make an impression on a client, chances are you have around 8 seconds to get them engaged. This can start with a phone conversation, an email, a business card, or a link to your website—so you want to be sure that whatever platform you use to initiate the conversation has got quality, eye-grabbing content.
Whether you’re a realtor, construction contractor, roof inspection expert, or surveyor of lands, there are all sorts of applications for commercial drone video. While aerial drone footage or photography can be used during the process of your job description to make life easier, it can also be a great way to add credibility to your website or company name. If you take some stunning footage of a job site or a finished product, why not share that with potential clients via social media, your website, or some other public platform?
High-definition aerial footage could be just the hook you need to secure your next client’s attention. In fact, realtors who take the time to invest in quality commercial drone video are 68% more likely to close a sale.
Boost Professionalism and the Quality of Your Client's Experience
In an increasingly competitive workforce, most professionals looking to expand their careers are constantly looking for ways to set themselves apart from the competition and stand out from the crowd. Whether this is through offering more services, a more competitive rate, higher quality work, or all three, customers are always looking for a high-value investment that will bring some kind of return.
If you take the time, energy, and expense to invest in quality drone footage of your job site, a real estate property for sale, a completed project, land you are managing, etc, you are more likely to make a credible impression on your client. This not only helps to establish trust, but may also make them more likely to leave a positive review after the conclusion of your contract or to refer friends and family to your services.
Embark on an Eye-Catching Marketing Campaign
There are all sorts of purposes for commercial drone video collected in an effort to advance your career. Whether it is for padding your portfolio, building trust with a client, or adding high-quality content to your website, high-definition visuals can go a long way toward increasing professionalism and your perceived commitment to your work. When you spring for professional commercial drone video services, you can utilize the collected footage in all sorts of ways—including using it to generate interest in your brand.
Many corporations and franchises have realized the power of an aerial shot, which once used to only be available by way of hiring a helicopter. With increasingly powerful, visually appealing, and accurate drone technology, businesses can now gain high-resolution aerial footage at a fraction of the expense and risk. Companies like Coca Cola, Disney, Twitter, Red Bull, and others have capitalized on drones to make their marketing campaigns stand out. Why not give your business every advantage over the competition by investing in eye-catching aerial footage for your next advertisement, social media post, email campaign, etc?

Why Hire a Professional Commercial Drone Pilot?
While it can be tempting to think you may be able to save some money by piloting a drone yourself to capture footage, this is often a misguided notion. Professional drone pilots are not only licensed and aware of flying regulations and local legislation in your area about flying drones, but are likely much more experienced than the average hobbyist or business owner would be. Capturing sub-par aerial footage will likely have the opposite of the intended effect on your audience, coming across as visually unsettling, cheap, or poorly executed.
The best professional drone pilots can craft smooth, expertly composed aerial shots that engage the viewer. In fact, most drone pilots are as much technical operators and pilots as they are proficient cinematographers and photographers. Don’t settle for second-rate aerial footage when the real thing can have a much more positive impact on your brand!
Commercial Drone Video Services with Xizmo Media in NYC
In an increasingly competitive professional atmosphere, business owners and entrepreneurs need to leverage every advantage possible to distinguish them from their competitors. What makes you stand out as a credible expert in your field? If you’re just starting out in your industry, it can be tough to come across as credible to prospective clients without years of experience under your belt. Commercial drone video can help you stand apart from the pack as a leader in your industry, develop trust with current clients, and increase engagement levels with prospective future clients or business partners.
If you’re going to use commercial drone video services to advance your career, you need the best drone pilots on the northeast coast. Contact Xizmo Media today to learn what our experienced team can do for you!